Sunday, 20 March 2011

Music to Swoon by: Self Medicating with the Rokeby Venus

Sometimes despite your best Venus efforts, Mars just has to go to war.  When he's gone any number of emotions may arise so what better way to fill the alone time than with some music to match the mood.

So I put together a virtual CD of  favourite tracks.  Some music to match the liquor to match the evening.  All this was completed in photoshop with a compilation of hand drawn copies of the Velasquez works and a few images scrounged from the 'net all tweeked till they were just right.

The look is still opulent and melodramatic, I'm sure you all have your own favourite music that could contribute to another edition.

I hope you like it.

Rokeby Venus

Friday, 18 March 2011

Slumming it with the Venus

The Rokeby Venus is acting all tough and crass with chewing gum.  She's left some graffiti behind tagging where she's been hangin'.

Sounds pathetic really, her kids would cringe!  If she had to tag with chewy she'd be caught bare naked; oh the embarrassment! (the kids would really cringe)

Actually she's been on a photoshop quest to try a new font with a 'rubbish' theme.  She took photos of actual chewy personally chewed...eeww... and shaped it into various letters. They were stuck onto a very dark background to make it easier to use the quick selection tool in quick mask mode. She then took some photos of checker-plate on a train carriage with more chewy donations from helpful passengers. This was the background to the pink lettering. She stretched the letters even further by using thetransform functions and at a later stage may even cut them out against their checker-plate background to paste again onto something even grungier.  May try a few filters here she thinks hmmm.

All the best'
The Rokeby Venus

Sunday, 6 March 2011

This is my first attempt at photo-shopping two completely different images.  I like Shaun Tan's work and have a few drawings of my own that will go up later.  With more practice I want to blend the giraffe body pattern onto the bricks.  I like the way the necks mirror the curve of the gate. 

The RV

Mondayitis returns

Hello fello swooners,
Monday is here again and all my attempts to live the finer life have fallen into laundry, clearing up the garden, more cooking and hours on public transport.  It hits 5pm most days and martini time is spent in a hot car on the freeway.  Not good!  I need some house elves or a few slaves.  More on this later.

Rokeby Venus